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Can you ever get rid of fear? Here's how...

Updated: May 11, 2021

Fear is one of the most consuming emotions and when not controlled can fully consume your mind.

Fear isn't a bad thing, in fact it actually stops us from doing stupid sh*t by keeping your mind focused on the consequences.

If we eliminated fear completely there wouldn't be anything for us to face and no way for us to grow.

I used to fear being alone. The feeling would consume me and I just couldn't sit still and be with myself. I would either make plans so I'd come back really late, or I'd stay at a friends, either way I'd find a way to make sure I wasn't alone.

I never really knew where my fear stemmed from and instead of finding out I would continue to completely avoid it.

One of the healthiest ways to control our fear, is to get to the root of it. By resurfacing the roots we're able to identify the situation and relieve a huge load we carry around with us.

I met an incredible woman who I later found out was a hypnotherapist. She helped me calm my mind, drift into a meditative state and asked me to really feel the fear and float back to a moment in time I believe it all started. It really was as simple as that.

The fear never dissapears completely but if I had to explain the feeling, I'd say a lot of the fear evaporated.

If you're experiencing something like this, find 15 minutes where you can be by yourself and follow these steps.

🙈 Close your eyes and really feel where the fear is. You'll know what I mean once you try.

💭 Once you've felt where it is most bothering you, gently try and see if you can remember the first time you ever felt this feeling. Some of you may not be able to straight away, and that is fine.

🟡Whether you do or not, spend a few minutes identifying the shape the fear is, it's colour, the material it's made out of, it's weight

🌪 And now, very slowly imagine you are evaporating it out of your body.. imagine every single little particle of this fear is disintegrating until it is no longer there. Don't forget to go back and evaporate every single particle.

☁️ Sit with the feeling, enjoy the lightness and gently and gradually open your eyes.

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