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Your mind has to be stronger than your feelings

There are moments in life where we feel like we have lost control. Your brain becomes foggy and it's hard to see a clear direction forward.


That could be in relation to quitting a bad habit, overcoming a fear or living with anxiety. You don't have to live with it any longer and together we can make that change.


Serenity by Serena

My name is Serena Masand and I'm a Central London based qualified hypnotherapist recognised by the International Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild Of Hypnotists. 

My journey as a hypnotherapist began after my personal experience with hypnotherapy for many of my own life obstacles. I recognised the ability hypnotherapy provides in changing thought processes from the past and the incredible impact this can have on your day to day life and I want to bring that to all of you too.


What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy effectively works with our inner self (unconscious) which stores our inner resources as well as
many of our problems.


Hypnotherapy applies therapeutic techniques during hypnosis to maximise potential, change limiting beliefs and behaviours and gain insight, powerfully dealing with fundamental beliefs which guide us in our everyday lives.


By changing those beliefs you are able to change your life. The techniques often work faster in hypnosis and thus therapy can take place quicker and more smoothly.

You will achieve calmness and stillness and ability to focus on small, relevant details and live life with clarity.

Let's chat

I am an experienced hypnosis practitioner, providing the help and tools you need to reach your goals. Be it an addiction or trauma you’re struggling with, or a new milestone you want to achieve, you’ll notice a difference after only a few sessions. Reach out today for a chat and how we can work together.


We will achieve a deep relaxation where positive suggestions are absorbed into the mind helping combat the following:

Disordered eating | Smoking

Addictions | Phobias

Anger | Pain

Trauma | Stress

Performance enhancement

We will tap into the subconscious mind and remove negative thought patterns and beliefs, to re-programme the mind in expectation of success and enhance focus on what you really want to achieve

Sports performance

Public Speaking

personal development

We are all born with confidence. Anxiety is a learned behaviour based on life experiences. We will  release old beliefs and change current behaviour.

Anxiety | Confidence

Get in touch  |  Tel: 07855 242 443


Location: Central London

 (due to Covid-19 all consultations and sessions will take place via Zoom until July 2021)

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Thanks for submitting! I willl be in touch shortly!

Marble Surface

Mariam F

I learnt so much about myself in the free 30 minute consultation & Serena provided free useful methods and tools to help me day to day.

Lilian R 

I was daunted by the thought of hypnotherapy, especially after what you see on TV. Serena helped clear the myths and in fact showed me how useful the techniques are on understanding my past childhood trauma.

Reuben J

After 1 session I felt much lighter and calmer. I found it very useful having techniques to take home and use, especially because my anxiety begins to rise when I'm in particular environments.

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©2021 by Serenity by Serena

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